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Relational Peacemaking

A biblical approach to conflict.

Started Aug 29
50 US dollars
Franklin Avenue

Service Description

Conflict typically stresses and strains relationships. When disappointments, offenses, or unmet expectations pile up, our relationships with other people can be damaged or even destroyed. Worse yet, the bitterness and unforgiveness triggered by prolonged conflict grieves the Lord and injures our relationship with him (Isa. 59:1-2; Eph. 4:30-31). God’s solution to these problems is biblical peacemaking. Peacemaking is how we seek to resolve our differences and restore our relationships with God and one another. To put it in terms of the RW paradigm, peacemaking is what God calls us to do when we (or other people) have slipped outside the circle of relational wisdom and need to resolve difference and restore healthy relationships with God and one each other.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 2601 Franklin Avenue, Waco, TX, USA


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